Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, April 12, 2020 (EASTER)
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Jesus listens to the silenced voices.
Mark’s gospel is filled with urgency and fear. Although the women caring for Jesus had to wait for the sabbath to end, they moved quickly to attend to Jesus’ body. They were on their way to the tomb before they even considered how they might roll away the massive stone covering the entrance. When they got there, the stone had already been removed, there was no body in the tomb, but there was a man in a white robe (and angel, perhaps?) sitting there. With the same sense of urgency that rings throughout Mark’s entire gospel, the man told them Jesus had been raised, and that he was already on his way to Galilee. There was no time to waste. The women were to tell the disciples to meet him there.
The women were terrified. Who wouldn’t be? Considering how rapidly the events took place, it’s likely their fear also escalated quickly, so by the time the man had finished speaking, they were already running—away from the empty tomb, away from the frightening man, and away from their responsibility to share what they had seen. (Mark tells us “they said nothing to anyone.”) It would seem urgency and terror make a deadly combination that can result in voices being silenced.
Many who have been victims of terrifying crimes have found themselves unable to speak about their experiences. Many who are oppressed or abused find they have no voice. Marginalized groups too, often find they have lost their voice. There will be many in your congregation that have lost their voices. It is to these silenced ones that Jesus enters. It is to these voiceless that the word is proclaimed, “He has been raised... [and] you will see him.” The promise comes with an invitation, “Go, tell.” In other words, “speak, let your voice be heard.” On this Easter, remind your congregation, friends, and family, that you are listening—that God is listening—and their voices are worth hearing.
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