Offering a wide range of products for your worship and education needs (scroll to see options)

Narrative Lectionary Worship Resources

Narrative Lectionary Worship Resource Options Logo

The Narrative Lectionary is a weekly and seasonal, four-year cycle of readings from Holy Scripture. Faculty at Luther Seminary created it as an alternative to the Revised Common Lectionary. According to Working Preacher, it centers on sharing the story of "hope and disappointment, suffering and redemption. In all these varied contexts, we find God dealing with the complexities of human life." Click here for a great video explaining the advantages of the NL.

If you would like to test out our resources here’s a one month free sample, just click or tap here.

Revised Common Lectionary Worship Resources

RCL Worship Resources for Worship Planning

Does your congregation or faith community follow the Revised Common Lectionary for worship? RCL Worship Resources by Clergy Stuff™ is your source for inclusive, theologically-progressive worship planning materials.

RCL Worship Resources worship planning materials include everything you need to prepare and preside at your congregation's worship service. What's more, the materials are based off of the Revised Common Lectionary at competitive pricing.

NEW! Arches ‘n Bells™ Church Drama & Extra-Fun Sunday School Plays

by Clergy Stuff


Come explore fun church skits and plays. See how drama, reader's theater, puppets and monologues can be for your faith community. We strive to write progressive, theologically grace-centered and über-fun theater congregational resources you can use right away in many settings.

Whether you're leading a Lenten journey exploring different texts or you need that perfect skit or puppet show to go with a Sunday school lesson or intergenerational youth group activity, Arches 'n Bells is your best source for church drama-based resources.

Because the Word™
Thematic Preaching Worship Resources

Thematic preaching for churches. Topical preaching.

Preachers today look all the more to reach people through proclaiming the Good News in contextually-relevant ways. Because the Word™ thematic preaching resources offer congregations and faith communities the option to custom design worship services using the relevant themes you choose.

Every year, Clergy Stuff will continue to provide new thematic preaching options so your congregation can learn just how holy scripture can speak to all of us, today.

VBS From Clergy Stuff

Vacation Bible School from Clergy Stuff

Vacation Bible School from Clergy Stuff

Splash in God’s Living Water!

New to Clergy Stuff! A complete Vacation Bible School program developed for smaller congregations, but scalable to any size. Materials ready to go for SUMMER 2022!