VBS by Clergy Stuff

Good old-fashioned Vacation Bible School made relevant for today

Grace-Filled Summer Fun

Kids dig deep into God’s Word, “touching” the stories in multiple ways—through art, music, drama, games, food, and classroom activities. They’ll remember those stories and themes and take them out into their lives.


Flexible, Adaptable Materials

Pick and choose the stories and rotations you want to do in order to tailor your VBS for:

  • Any number of days

  • 2-hour, 3-hour, or full-day programs

  • Grade-level groups or mixed-grade groups

Splash in God’s Living Water!™


God’s Great Big Tent

To this day, our boys can remember the details associated with each verse if they hear it at church on Sunday. For instance, Exodus 17: 1-7 was recalled fondly through our older son’s eyes as ‘The story of Moses hitting the rock with his stick’. He continued to reminisce on how they made blue slime at VBS to represent the water that came running out of the rock.
— Darrah Widmoyer, Mom – Splash in God’s Living Water!
Thanks for the great VBS program! Your theme and attention to detail were spot on! I’ve worked a lot of VBSs, and this program was absolutely superior. Our volunteers said similar things every single day.
— Ann Schaefer, Intern Pastor, Shepherd of the Hills ELCA, Edina, MN