Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, August 2, 2020
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: When we walk by faith, we “see” with the Spirit of God, and it compels us to action.
As Paul continued his writing to the Corinthians, he acknowledged that the pressures of the world, culture, and body pressed in on every side. Some people were boasting of their gods. Others were enjoying feasts of the flesh without remorse. The entire environment—sights, sounds, tastes, touch—it all seemed hostile to the gentle, inward strength of early Christians. How were they to live with integrity in such an environment?
Paul reminded them that their strength was not in things they could see, hear, taste, smell, or touch, but in faith—an inward sight that had the power to shift their perspective on the things they experienced physically. For what is faith if not internal sight?
Something happens when we align ourselves with God. Our vision of the world changes. We see those different from ourselves with compassion rather than fear. We face our own life’s challenges with courage rather than despair. We become patient, forgiving, and generous. We grow into the ability to see the world through another’s eyes. Our compassion turns to action as we work to better this world. We cannot truly see and not act. Our faith-sight compels us to act. We can no longer ignore what we don’t wish to see. We can no longer behave any way we want. We see the potential of humanity and know that we must make better choices for ourselves and those around us. When we walk by faith, we move in harmony with God’s creation, doing the next right thing and embracing our new social, fiscal, ecological, physical, and mental responsibilities.
Grant me a deeper vision within your undying soul, O Lord. Amen.
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