Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, January 10, 2020
by R. Fergus Moir, Clergy Stuff
I keep wondering when I’m going to see this happen. I have to be honest. I’m simply overwhelmed with the amount of hateful rhetoric, blatant oppression of all kinds of people, and unbridled greed that seems to characterize my country and most of the world. The Bible promises over and over that God will bring down the wicked. But when? It seems the wicked run the world, and we tacitly condone it by our own inaction, thus becoming the wicked ourselves.
And maybe that’s why we’re so resistant to working to bring about God’s justice in the world—because we know we would have to exercise justice on ourselves. That we would have to *gulp* change. Maybe it’s part of my privilege that I get frustrated waiting for God to “make this happen,” rather than accepting that I’m the one who needs to act.
God of Justice, spur me to action to help bring about your will for the world. Amen.
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