Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“This is but the beginning of the birth pangs.”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, March 29, 2020
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Jesus’ words about the end of all things taught us more about the things happening now.
The end of all things has always fascinated the imagination of humanity. From the zombie apocalypse to the destruction of the earth by meteor to the “Left Behind” series that imagined a literal interpretation of Revelation, people have always wondered about what the end will look like. Perhaps it’s because no one has survived a terminal end and returned to tell about it. Even death, which is a more personal end than the end of all things, frightens and intrigues us at the same time.
Jesus’ account of the end of all things drew no less intrigue. The darkening of the sun, the stars falling from heaven, the Son of Man coming in clouds—these are all quite vivid and terrifying events. Are they literal or metaphor? Was Jesus referring to the end of all things or simply the end of his time on earth? We may never know exactly what Jesus meant.
Whatever the exact meaning, we can be certain of a few things.
There will be some who claim to own the knowledge of the end of all things (remember the Y2K conspiracy?)—even some who will claim to be the chosen. They will be wrong.
No one on the earth has the power to predict the end (or the beginning or the middle, for that matter). That knowledge is only for God.
Ending is a process, not an event (“the beginning of the birth pangs”). This rings true—every loss we experience either builds, lingers, or both.
We are called to be ready for the end—ready for anything, then. Jesus didn’t stand for complacency. He encouraged diligence, watchfulness, and action.
Ultimately, Jesus’ words about the end of all things taught us more about the things of now. Life is happening all around us. If we are not awake and watchful, we’ll miss it.
Help me stay “woke”, O God. Amen.
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