Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Simon answered, ‘Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.’ ”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, January 24, 2021
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Peter recognized almost immediately that Jesus was special. His willingness to see and believe earned him a front row seat to the world’s greatest story.
So, the traveling preacher from Nazareth rolled into Gennesaret, prepared to preach the provocative message of radical acceptance. Undoubtedly, they had heard of Jesus, and were possibly even prepared to receive him.
After a long night of fishing, the fishers returned to the shore to find Jesus preparing for a long talk. Jesus had them take him out a little way from shore because sound travels well over water. His words would be easier for the crowds to hear from there. They were willing to oblige. They knew little of his trade and were willing to do as he asked.
But then, this teacher—a carpenter, not a fisher—stepped on their toes. He suggested that they go out into the deep water to catch some fish. One can only imagine how the fishers might have received his suggestion. This Jesus knew nothing of fishing! He didn’t seem to respect the tiresome work they had just finished, and their long night had been extended due to his impromptu teaching.
Still, the fishers treated him with the respect he seemed to have earned. They gently let him know it would be fruitless, but they indulged his request anyway. Why not honor the traveler, even if it meant an even longer night.
Surprisingly, their nets became so full so fast, they had to call for another boat to help with the haul. The miraculous shift from a dead night of fishing to an abundant morning, the shock of discovering that this traveler could know as much about them and their work as he did—all of these stunned Simon Peter. Immediately he recognized this was no ordinary traveling preacher. Jesus was different. Special. Touched by God, even.
Despite Peter’s resistance to Jesus’ presence and attention, Jesus could also see that there was something special about Peter. If he could be open and believe as readily as he did, perhaps he was just the one Jesus needed to walk by his side during his upcoming years of ministry. Jesus offered him what he needed, “Do not be afraid.” Not a condemnation, but an invitation. Have courage to step outside the familiarity of the boat and embark on an even grander adventure.