Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, March 19, 2021
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
I’m as frail and broken a human being as the next guy. Sometimes when I hear Black leaders decrying the behavior of white folk I think, “But…but I don’t do that!” That clinging spectre of Whiteness demands that others commend me for being one of the “good ones.” And that’s a bunch of baloney. (A) I don’t get a cookie just for believing fervently that Black lives matter. That’s the bare minimum. I have work to do. (B) It’s not Black folks’ job to make me feel okay. Ever. I need to get over my insecure white self because I have work to do. So heaven forbid that I stand up in some public forum and proclaim myself an Ally—I deserve to be cut off at the knees at that point. My job is to do the work of being anti-racist, advocating for systemic change, supporting BIPoc-owned businesses and communities, etc. etc. etc. All without a saying a single word about it. Head down. Mouth shut. Do the work. Will that result in my being exalted? I certainly hope not. God knows what’s what. Nothing else matters.
God, keep me humble and working for your justice always without thought of return. Amen.