Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Then the man said, ‘You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed.’”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, September 25, 2020
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
The struggle is real. We all have those things we wrestle with, whether it be addiction, depression, dysfunctional relationships, health issues, financial insecurity—I could go on. I have a tendency to compare my suffering with others’. If their challenges are serious, I downplay my own, thinking I don’t have any right to feel stressed or frustrated. If they seem to have a perfect, pain-free life, I wonder what’s wrong with me.
Not everyone comes away from their struggles with an obvious limp, as Jacob did. I can’t compare my insides to other people’s outsides—there’s no way I can know what’s really going on with another person. “Compare and despair,” as the saying goes.
What I do know is that struggle can be transformative. Just as Jacob came through his night-long struggle with a blessing and a new name, we can emerge from our difficulties with new hope and purpose.
Loving God, grant me strength and endurance for life’s challenges, reminding me of the hope of your transformative love and grace. Amen.
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