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Exodus 13:17-22, Pillars of Cloud and Fire

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.
— Exodus 13:22

NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, October 10, 2019

by R. Fergus Moir, Clergy Stuff

Moses was leading hundreds of Israelites away from the only life they had known for more than 400 years. They had left in a hurry, with the bare minimum of provisions. Men, women, children, livestock—a host of bodies moving steadily toward an unknown destination, aware that at any moment, Pharaoh could change his mind and swoop down on them to take them back into slavery. I can’t imagine what I would have been thinking and feeling were I among the throng.

Yet God proclaimed God’s presence in the pillars of cloud and fire, huge beacons visible by day and night to everyone in the crowd. What comfort that must have brought to one and all!

Sometimes I have a hard time seeing God in the world around me. I can fall victim to the fear of the unknown as I’m pulled along in the current of constant change. I know that God is leading me somewhere, whether or not I know the destination or feel well-prepared for the journey. Where is that pillar of cloud and fire leading me onward, letting me know that God is with me?

The Holy Spirit need not always be so dramatic. The Spirit is present in and through me and all those around me, comforting and guiding through the loving presence of others in my life. The Spirit is present in and through all of creation, making God’s presence known in ways sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle, if I only keep my eyes trained forward.

Where do I see evidence of the Spirit’s presence in my life?