Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
the world and those who live in it. ”
NL Daily Devotion for Monday, April 8, 2019
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
I’ve visited both oceans bordering our country. I’ve also visited many of our “inland oceans,” namely the Great Lakes. Living in Minnesota, I visit Lake Superior nearly every year. It’s such a huge body of water, that scientists inform us that it’s really just one big freshwater ocean.
Lakes, oceans, ponds, rivers and streams. Bodies of water certainly are a wonder!
No wonder they are referred to so frequently in holy scripture!
Sometimes, I believe it’s just fine to stand in wonder of God’s creation without fussing over how we can be better people. Ironically, I think doing that would make us better people just by standing in wonder.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian and martyr during WWII shortly sponsored a seminary. I’m told that one of his assignments for young pastors in training was to, “contemplate the Psalms whilst taking a walk by the seaside.”
Word, Dietrich. Word. Now that’s a seminary I would have liked to have attended!
Where do you stand in wonder of God’s creation?
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