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Powers Over

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Deliver my soul from the sword, my life from the power of the dog!
— Psalm 22:20

NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, September 1, 2022

by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff

Scripture sometimes can come across as strange or alien. One example we read in vs. 20. In most modern cultures, people consider dogs as pets, cherished members of a family. In ancient near-eastern cultures—and in some parts of the world today—dogs live on the periphery. They consume garbage, and historically, dead bodies. In packs, wild dogs can even overtake an adult. Certainly, ancient Jews deemed them unclean.

Although most people today don’t see dogs (definitely not cats!) in this way, we’re still human beings. Like the ancients, we too fear powers over us and that which lurks beyond our control. The ongoing pandemic, for example. Like the ancients, God reminds us in vs. 28 of today’s reading, that, “dominion belongs to the Lord.”

God once saved those fearing the power of the dog and the wild ox. Today, God saves you—whatever power seeking to disrupt your life cannot overcome God’s infinite love.

Saving God, you do not despise, but rescue me. Remind me of your power. Amen.

Prayer concern: People living in fear