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Psalm 150, Praise Psalm

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his surpassing greatness!
— Psalm 150:2

NL Daily Devotion for Monday, October 21, 2019

by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff


My boys have the most awesome mother in the world. And, yeah, I know I’m biased, but my wife, Carol, is truly phenomenally devoted to our two teenaged boys.

Take, for example, that she was willing to drive from our home in Minnesota to the Iowa State Fair to see a heavy metal concert of a band both my boys enjoy listening to.

When she returned, I remember her saying that she “didn’t get” some of the music with all of its swearing and violent imagery. Both boys said that the lyrics aren’t the focus on the music they listen to. Maybe it was to assuage her guilt in taking them, but I think there is something more with it, too. Sometimes, kids just like to feel exited about something and like to rebel and their music gives them the outlet or permission to do so.

In it all, there is a joy behind ANY type of music that exists only within that phenomenon. Clashing cymbals? Yeah. I’m there.

Who knows how people would respond in worship if it were more extreme as to include clashing, hard rock that everyone seems to love so much.

What types of music do you like? Do they all make you feel closer to God?