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Matthew 3:1-17 , Jesus' Baptism

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

In those days John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness of Judea, proclaiming, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’
— Matthew 3:1

NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, January 8, 2023

by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff

Main Idea: We cannot rest on our laurels. There is work to do.

Prophets were not uncommon at the time of Jesus. John was special. His words cut deep, and his actions saved many. He became so popular with the crowds, the Pharisees and Sadducees went out to see what he was about.

John was wary of them immediately. He knew that the religious leaders of the day were more interested in their reputations and maintaining their status than they were of real change. He knew they would claim their inheritance of God’s kingdom based on their birthright as children of Abraham.

John wasn’t having it. It would no longer work to rest on their laurels. John demanded action. Change. Repentance. John also knew someone was coming after him who would take his words to a whole new level. That someone would require more than just repentance. He would turn the whole world on its head.

John didn’t have to wait long. When Jesus came for baptism, he knew this was the one he’d waited for. Though he resisted at first, John did baptize Jesus, and the heavens opened to him. The time for action had come. Things would never be the same.

It can be tempting to rest on our laurels. We often spend so much time putting in the work so we can coast on what we’ve already accomplished. But God’s work is never done. We can never say we’ve done enough. Turning toward God takes work every day. But we don’t do the work alone. Jesus stands with us, shoulder to shoulder, giving us strength, wisdom, perseverance, and whatever we need so that we can do what God has called each of us to do.

Later Event: January 9
Psalm 2:7-8, Psalm