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Mark 7:31-37, Jesus Cures a Deaf Man

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.
— Mark 7:36

NL Daily Devotion for Saturday, February 15, 2020

by R. Fergus Moir, Clergy Stuff

Sometimes it’s hard to keep a secret. Especially when it’s something really, really exciting! My husband recently won an award and he wanted to be the one to tell the kids about it—it was everything I could do to keep my mouth shut for the time it took for all of us to be in one place.

Jesus restored hearing to a deaf man, and those around him were amazed. He told them to keep it quiet—I’m not sure why, considering that by now in Mark’s gospel, people are coming from miles around to be healed by Jesus. But regardless of the reason, the more he told them not to talk about what happened, the more they proclaimed it.

The truth is that God’s love is just impossible to keep to ourselves. When we have experienced the kind of healing and wholeness that comes from a deep relationship with God, it spills over into every area of our lives. Sometimes we proclaim it without even opening our mouths—our actions, our attitudes, our demeanor all speak to the presence of God.

Loving God, empower me to proclaim your love through everything I do and say. Amen.

Later Event: February 16
Mark 7:1-23, What Defiles?