Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“‘Do not fear, only believe.’ ”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, February 2, 2020
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Jesus’ healings did not discriminate; he came for all.
People from all around the countryside had learned of Jesus’ healings and miracles. When he crossed over the sea, crowds were already waiting for him. They all wanted him to heal them or their loved ones. They pressed in on him from every side, so it was hard even to move. They all wanted his attention, hoping that if he agreed, he might heal them.
But one woman knew she didn’t even need his attention to be healed. She knew he held so much power, she would be healed simply by touching his cloak. (Touching Jesus was forbidden, by the way, because she was bleeding. Consider this—because of her affliction, she had not been touched by another human for 12 years!) She crept in, touched his cloak, and Jesus immediately felt the power leave him. After a humorous exchange with his disciples, the woman confessed, and Jesus praised her for her faith.
Sandwiching this story is the story of Jairus’ daughter, (age 12—the same length as the woman’s hemorrhage), who was dying. Jesus was on his way to heal the girl when the exchange with the woman happened. When Jesus finally reached the girl, she was dead. He told those gathered that the girl was not dead, but sleeping, and the crowd laughed at him. What a different response! While the woman had so much faith in Jesus, these people had none. But their skepticism didn’t deter him. He went in, held the girl by the hand, and healed the little girl.
This story is filled with juxtaposition and a literary chiastic structure.
Jairus was one of the synagogue leaders, a man of power and position; the woman was broken and outcast. Jesus’ healings were not dictated by social status.
The little girl was in the beginning of her life; the woman nearer the end. Jesus’ healings were not dictated by age.
The woman expressed immense faith; the crowd expressed no faith at all. Jesus’ healings were not dictated by faith.
The woman was healed amid a pressing crowd; the little girl with almost no witnesses, save a few select disciples and her parents. Jesus’ healings were not dictated by the public eye.
It seems Jesus’ miracles and healings were not limited, but instead were wide-spread and abundant. People healed all kinds of people in all kinds of circumstances. Random to us, perhaps, but not to Jesus. Even today, we cannot predict who, when, or how Jesus will heal. But we can hold on to hope that there is nothing in our lives that would prevent us from garnering Jesus’ attention. We are all worthy of Jesus’ love and attention.
How do you serve as part of God’s hope?
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