Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“And he said to them, ‘To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside, everything comes in parables; in order that
“they may indeed look, but not perceive,
and may indeed listen, but not understand;
so that they may not turn again and be forgiven.” ’”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, January 19, 2020
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Some of Jesus’ followers were ready to let God’s word take root and grow strong in a hostile environment.
Let’s take a look at Jesus’ parable in light of Israel’s oppression by Rome. Jesus described a number of ways people responded to God’s word to date.
First, Jesus described people who heard God’s word, but the temptations of the world kept them from internalizing what they heard. Some caved to the lure of wealth and an easier life for those who bought into Rome’s systems. God’s word is radically selfless, while the words of the world are intentionally selfish. One will undoubtedly win over the other, and those without the benefit of being rooted in the word run the risk of leaning toward the things of the world.
Similarly, some people heard the word, but “it was scorched… since it had no root.” These people accepted the word, but where God’s word clashed with the ways of Rome, it fell away. Maybe these people were simply trying to survive in a hostile world. Maybe living by the word was just too difficult.
Next, Jesus described people who heard God’s word and let it settle within them, but then it was “choked” out of them. Considering what the people were enduring, it’s easy to see how some, upon hearing God’s word, looked at their situation and concluded that the promises of God were inconsistent with their experience. It’s not uncommon today—many people hear God’s word, but what they hear doesn’t seem to match what they experience in the world. Peace, justice, evidence of God’s presence—all of these can seem lacking in this world.
However, there were some who heard the word, let it settle within them, and it took root. These were the believers that were most likely the most receptive to Jesus’ teachings. They were ready to accept Jesus’ challenge to act and speak into a hostile world, and to endure suffering for the sake of the world. Others were not yet ready to hear it, and so the meaning of the word was kept from them. But for those Jesus had collected, it was time to let their light shine into a darkened world. Like a mustard seed, it would grow beyond anyone’s imagination, and would do so by the power of God.
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