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Mark 10:13-16, Jesus Blesses Little Children

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.
— Mark 10:15

NL Daily Devotion for Saturday, February 17, 2024

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff

I recently had an intense memory experience. I heard a song on the radio and all of a sudden, I was eight years old, sitting on the floor of my brothers’ room, playing a game on our Atari system. A moment later, I was in tears, and when I processed what had happened, it occurred to me that in that moment, way back then, I was perfectly happy—utterly safe, all my physical and emotional needs met, and completely free of responsibility. The realities of my present life, which (despite the fact that I am generally happy, safe, and have my needs met) sometimes overwhelm me, sometimes make me forget that God really does have my back. While I may not be free of responsibility in a day-to-day adulting framework, the fact is that I have very little power over anything other than myself, and God is the one who’s responsible for outcomes. If I can tap into that little girl on the upstairs floor, joystick in hand, I am liberated to experience real joy in my life knowing that I am deeply loved and thoroughly cared for. When I cling to my fears and need to control, I deprive myself from “the kingdom of God.” What is my choice to be today?

Do I let my stress and need to control block me from being able to experience the joy of God’s love and care?

Earlier Event: February 16
Mark 10:1-12, Teaching about Divorce
Later Event: February 18
Mark 10:17-31, First Last and Last First