Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces.”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, February 12, 2021
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
A funny thing happened on the way to Jesus’ speech. So many people came to hear him, there wasn’t enough food locally to feed them. Jesus’ disciples had the idea to send them home so they could fend for themselves. But who knows how far some had come to hear him?
Jesus had another idea. Before their souls could be nourished by Jesus’ words, their bodies had to be fed. So he charged his disciples to feed them. If their bodies were hungry, they could not receive Jesus’ words, much less act on them.
Today’s story reminds me of the millions of children who are hungry every day. Even in developed countries that should know better, children are starving. Before they can learn, grow, and contribute to their community, they must be fed. Jesus charges us to feed them.
Now, before you say, “well, they had Jesus there to perform a miracle!” just remember, he asked them to do the work. Jesus blessed the bread and fish, and then the disciples distributed it. Why should we think we cannot do the same?
How can you feed the hungry in your community?