Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.”
NL Daily Devotion for Tuesday, January 12, 2021
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
I suppose it is a bit trite that I compare Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness with the picture you see above. Really, I think that Jesus’ temptation was a little tougher than reaching for another brownie!
Still, we all know the experience of doing something we know we probably shouldn’t do. Jesus had to undergo this temptation too, because that’s a part of the human experience, and God wanted fully to connect with humanity.
It’s good to know, though, that God offers us an “out” through Jesus Christ, that through God’s own strength we might learn how to persevere.
I think it’s important, too, though that we don’t get too hard on ourselves, either. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.
All in all, aren’t we glad that we have someone who fights with us, who cares about us?
I know that I am!
Thank you, God, for caring about me. Help me in times of temptation.