Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Comfort, O comfort my people,
says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and cry to her
that she has served her term,
that her penalty is paid,
that she has received from the Lord’s hand
double for all her sins.”
NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, January 13, 2021
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
God's people have been conquered and exiled. They are weary and worn. They don't know when and if they will ever return to their homes, the land, their families. But God sends a message through Isaiah to be comforted. They will return one day. And on that day, the journey home will be easy. Valleys will be lifted, mountains lowered, and the path will lead them home.
Going home is not always easy. During the holidays, many journey to the places they came from to visit relatives and spend time together. In a Christmas card, this seems like a wonderful, cozy experience. In real life, it's sometimes quite the opposite. If you are worried about spending time with family this season, here are a few thoughts for you.
Limit your exposure to the people who push your buttons. I learned some time ago that I need alone time at least once every day. Too much togetherness is just too taxing and I become crabby. There's nothing wrong with excusing yourself for a quick nap (2, 3 hours?). You don't even need to make up some excuse. Simply say, "I need some alone time." Who knows, they might be glad to be rid of you for a few hours, too!
Expect less. I found that my stress was highest when I expected people to behave in ways they just never would. Just because I think they should do this or that (or not do this or that) doesn't mean they will (or won't). Have they ever before? Then, why expect it now? If I'm angry because they do just exactly what they always do but I expect better, that's on me. Shift the expectation and you will be much happier. Promise.
Breathe. Just breathe. No, seriously. Practice deep breathing, meditation, prayer, maybe even yoga. It really does help.
When they push your buttons, just walk away. On a family vacation not long ago, one of my family members started in on a common racist rant. I just walked out of the kitchen and went outside to draw on the sidewalk with chalk. (Art therapy... works wonders!) Within 5 minutes, the whole party had joined me outside. But the shift in location was enough to shift the conversation. No more racist rants, and we had a lovely time enjoying the sunshine.
Enjoy your holidays! Enjoy your homecomings. Get lots of hugs. Have meaningful conversations. Revel in the moments that don't suck. And breathe.
God, help me to remember to breathe and to know that you care. Amen.