Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“And Mary said,
‘My soul magnifies the Lord . . .’”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, December 20, 2020
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Waiting can be a hard, but necessary element in the arrival of something important.
Gender reveal parties have become quite popular events these days. From balloons to colored cakes to crop-dusting color bombs, these announcement-based parties have become all the rage. But even the best of these cannot compare to the announcement made to Mary by an angel of the Lord!
With no fanfare, no trumpets or brilliant lights, a quiet, gentle angel appeared before Mary to announce that she would give birth to God’s child. Not to be shaken, Mary quickly agreed and prepared to visit her relative, Elizabeth, who was also expecting a child (who would become John the Baptist—Jesus’ cousin). Although they may have skipped the announcement party, Mary knew she needed some companionship from another who knew more about these things than she did. She sought her community of support.
Elizabeth’s reaction was priceless. She could have condemned her relative for infidelity, but in a strange twist, her own baby leapt for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice. It was another sign among many that this child was special. This child would need no parties nor celebrations. He would be born simply and humbly in an animal’s den.
Still, the announcement was a critical event in the life of this little one. It gave Mary time to prepare. It gave Joseph time to recognize his role in the birth. It gave Elizabeth the opportunity to rejoice. Sometimes the time of waiting is a crucial element leading up to an important event. It gives us the time we need to wrap our brains around it all. Even though the waiting can be hard, it is necessary and important. While we wait for the event of Christ’s birth (just days away now!), we sit comfortably simply with the announcement.
He will come.
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