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John 2:1-11, Wedding at Cana

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’
— John 2:5

NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, January 9, 2022

by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff

Main Idea: Sometimes our greatness needs a little push in the right direction.

Mothers want the best for their children. It’s what they do. Mothers also want their children to become productive and successful members of society using their best gifts to make the world a better place. In this text, we learn Mary was no exception.

Jesus had barely gathered followers when an opportunity to show his greatness found him. The wine ran out at a wedding—a terrible faux pas then and now. What an embarrassment it would have been for the wedding families to send the guests home unsatisfied! In a culture where shame was tangibly painful, Mary knew that Jesus had it within him to save them from such shame.

But Jesus resisted. Was it because he didn’t feel ready? Was it because God hadn’t yet given him the green light? We don’t know why, but clearly it wasn’t abhorrent for him to perform such a miracle or he certainly would have refused. But this exchange between Jesus and Mary is light and whimsical. Mary asks him to help. He refuses. Mary ignores his refusal and makes it impossible for him to say no.

Reluctantly, Jesus obliges, and the wedding is saved. His first miracle is done, and his ministry is officially underway. We will never know how long it might have taken Jesus to begin his ministry if not for Mary’s nudge, and we will never know what his first miracle might have been. Maybe this is how it was always supposed to happen. Nobody, including Jesus, lives and works in total isolation. All of us need to be surrounded by the people that push us, challenge us, support us, and love us no matter what. Sometimes our greatness needs a little push in the right direction from the people that know us better than we know ourselves.