Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“After these things, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, though a secret one because of his fear of the Jews, asked Pilate to let him take away the body of Jesus. Pilate gave him permission; so he came and removed his body.”
NL Daily Devotion for Saturday, April 16, 2022
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
Joseph’s actions were born out of love. It would be easy to condemn him as a coward for keeping his discipleship secret in order to protect himself—silence is violence, after all—and, yes, he was as complicit in Jesus’ murder by state violence as everyone else involved. But like Peter, who denied Jesus, and the other disciples who scattered, Joseph was achingly human in his instinct for self-preservation. Like those others who were complicit in Jesus’ death, he could share in the incomprehensible mercy and forgiveness of God.
And when Jesus was dead and would have been thrown to the dogs, Joseph spoke up. He asked Pilate for the body—I can only assume there would have been some risk to this. Would he give himself away to the Jewish authorities by his actions? Apparently he didn’t care. He only wanted to take his beloved friend’s body and make sure it was properly prepared for a dignified burial according to his community’s customs. It was an act of love and courage, and it reminds me that no matter how flawed we are, we are all redeemable.
Do I believe that I am wholly acceptable to God, worthy of redemption?