Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“My spirit is broken, my days are extinct,
the grave is ready for me.
Surely there are mockers around me,
and my eye dwells on their provocation.”
NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, June 24, 2020
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
I don’t know about you, but after reading Job, I’m simultaneously feeling: 1) a bit ticked off at Job how he seems to go on and on, and; 2) depressed, wondering how it’s all going to end. (Yes. I do know the ending. Spoiler alert.)
It’s easy for me to distance myself from Job’s perceived incessant whining because: 1) Job lived so long ago, and; 2) I tend to be selfish.
The word of grace for me begins as a word of law. First, I’m confronted with my lack of empathy, not only for Job, but also for others who are hurting. In a world of instant communication on social media, it’s easy to get wrapped up in other people’s drama . . . but let’s face it—it’s just as easy to shut it off and forget everyone else. “I’d rather be watching Star Trek reruns, anyway,” I say to myself.
Scripture gives us stories within stories to beef up our empathy muscles. Job’s story calls us all the more to listen to others’ pain.
Five years ago, I was going through treatment for addiction at Hazelden in Center City, Minnesota. One of the Spiritual Care counselors I met with one morning told me something I’ve never forgotten. We had been talking about how I didn’t like to read the newspapers, because so much sorrow and bad news seemed to be on every page.
She replied, “That’s true. So much of the news seems to be bad nowadays. Do you know what I do?” she asked.
I shook my head.
“I pray. Every morning I pray that God’s presence might be there, somehow, with every bad headline I read.”
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