Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.”
NL Daily Devotion for Saturday, January 4, 2020
by R. Fergus Moir, Clergy Stuff
I don’t like to feel like a servant. I hate waking up to dirty dishes in the sink, clutter in the living room, a cat and dog demanding to be fed. I want the other people in my house to step up to their responsibilities, rather than assuming I’ll just take care of everything for them.
The word “servant” carries a lot of baggage. It’s a negative word, making us think of someone who is less valuable, stuck doing the dirty work so that others can have it easy.
That’s why it was so completely radical that Jesus said that he came not to be served, but to serve others, and that he calls us to be servants to one another in love. In so doing, he elevates servanthood, making it something to strive for, not to avoid.
When I approach life in a spirit of service, I am far less likely to be bent out of shape when things don’t go exactly as I want them to. It is in serving God and my neighbor that all joy is to be found.
How can I look at my daily work as a service to God and others?
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