Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen, in whom my soul delights;
I have put my spirit upon him;
he will bring forth justice to the nations.”
NL Daily Devotion for Tuesday, January 5, 2021
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
2020 has been rough on everyone. Today I got the news that a good friend of mine is dying of cancer. Last week, I got the news that someone else I care about has died of covid-19. The week before that, I found out that my former internship supervisor (when I was studying to be a pastor), has also received a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Life is just so HARD sometimes!
It makes us all realize how every day is a gift, and how important it is that we learn to love and do what we’re called to do with the time we have.
We’re called to be servants, just as Jesus lived as a servant for all of us. Today’s reading from Isaiah makes it clear that God’s justice is set deeply within a response of love and servanthood. That Jesus himself gave his life so that we might connect with others in a more authentic way.
Sometimes, it just blows the mind how God works in each of our lives!
How is God working in your life? How can God speak to each of us beyond the tragedies we experience?