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Habakkuk 2:5-14, The Woes of the Wicked

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Moreover, wealth is treacherous; the arrogant do not endure. They open their throats wide as Sheol; like Death they never have enough.
— Habakkuk 2:5a

NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, November 30, 2022

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff

Like Death they never have enough. Wow. In my recovery experience, we talk a lot about the concept of “enough.” When I was in my disease, I could never get it—enough. And underneath any and all addictive and related negative behavior was a fear of not having enough or a fear of not being enough. I can take absolutely any instance of being angry or mean or what-have-you, and if I dig down a little, I will find that enoughness is what’s at stake.

Through working my programs, I learn, little by little, what “enough” is. I trust, more and more, that I will have all that I need and plenty of what I want. I believe, more and more, that I am a good (if flawed) person who is beloved by God and worthy of love, and that I have a great deal to offer the world. I recognize, bit by bit, that accepting what is enough leads to a life of serenity and joy being of love and service to God and neighbor.

Are there still times I want to “open my throat as wide as Sheol” in an attempt to get more? Oh, sure. But those attempts will always end badly for me, and sooner or later I circle back around to acceptance of what is and find contentment in my enoughness.

Are there things I just wish I had more of? Are there ways I wish I was more?