Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”
NL Daily Devotion for Monday, September 11, 2023
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
It was very good. Up until then, God saw what God had made and said it was good. But when all was said and done, and creation complete, and human beings created in God’s image, God looked back over the whole of it and was moved to declare it very good. And so it is—and more. “Very good” doesn’t begin to do justice to the mind-blowing beauty and variety of all that God has made. I marvel daily at the intricacies of nature, the fascinating consistency of scientific laws, the never-ending individuality of human beings, and how all of it fits together in such perfect harmony.
God continues to create and re-create daily, and invites us into that process, into being co-creators with God. We get to be a part of bringing beauty and variety into the world, and are called to care for it as we would care for our own child, in the same way that God cares for us and all that has come into being. What a beautiful partnership we have with our God and all of creation. And it is very good!
How does God’s creation inspire me? Where do I see opportunities to be a ‘co-creator’ with God each day?