Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“The ark of God was captured; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, died.”
NL Daily Devotion for Tuesday, October 20, 2020
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
The Israelites were regularly under attack from enemies that surrounded them. The Philistines proved to be powerful enemies that haunted Israel for years. The people thought they could defeat the Philistines by bringing God (the ark of the covenant, where God's presence dwelt) onto the battlefield. But God is not a magic token, nor can God be manipulated. The Philistines saw through the noise and commotion, and they fought even harder to avoid becoming Israel's slaves. Israel was defeated.
If there's one thing God can't stand, it's when people use God as a weapon. It's true, God often fought for Israel (at the very least, Israel was content to give God the credit whenever they were victorious). But God is a God of love, justice, and peace. When necessary, God fought for justice. But God would much rather people live in peace.
It makes me squirm when people today try to use God as a weapon. Usually, God is used as a weapon of propaganda, touting (individuals' interpretation of) God's word as the authority over all people -- encouraging and coercing the individual's beliefs over another's. Using God's word like a hammer is rarely, if ever, effective. Yet we see it over and over again on TV, on billboards, online.
What is effective (if coming to know God is the affect we're looking for) is the sharing of story. Our story. Our stories. When we open our hearts and share the stories of how God has been alive and active in our lives -- that is when the magic happens! There's no aggression, no threat -- just vulnerability and a willingness to share. It's in those moments God is the most powerful. Not a weapon, just pure love.
What’s your view—do people like to use God to bash others?
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