News, Vacation Bible Study/VBS

A VBS Worth Its Salt


Works in Any Context, Story-based & Community-centered


Etymology is as fascinating as it is fun! The internet has simplified the process of finding the root meanings for words and phrases. Of course, you need to sift through the information to make sure it’s good stuff . . . that it’s worth its salt.

Most linguistic experts believe the phrase “worth its salt” came about by the practice of paying Roman soldiers their monthly wages in salt. Salt was a prized possession in the ancient world, not only for its ability to make food tasty, but also to preserve food to make longer journeys.

Vacation Bible School (aka VBS) and their associated programs seem to have been dominated in the past decade by several large publishing companies. The difficulty local pastors and church leaders have discovered, however, is that the core message of any one VBS program is either A) watered-down, theologically one dimensional and moralistic garbage, or; B) selling religion like it’s popcorn—that is, a week-long daycare program at church.

But salt doesn’t need to lose its saltiness! The good news is that the core stories of the Bible are worth telling in creative formats that kids find engaging, energizing, and faith-building. What’s more, inclusive, grace-filled theology can be central to bringing the biblical story to life at VBS, because, you know what? That is the core message of the Bible.

One of Clergy Stuff’s most recent writers not only has had experience putting together fun, engaging VBS programs, but also has coordinated and run them.

Rebecca Fergus (the new owner of Clergy Stuff), has put together the saltiest, salt block of VBSes. Read for yourself below the rationale behind putting this program together and how your kids will benefit from it.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and why you wanted to publish a VBS program with Clergy Stuff.

I’ve been writing and directing original VBS programs since 2013. Several congregations have shared with me their frustrations about the lack of available VBS materials that reflect inclusive, grace-filled theology, so I thought it was time to offer an alternative to a broader church community through Clergy Stuff. Though God’s Great Big Tent is a new curriculum, it’s built on tested experience delivering VBS programs that kids (and their parents) love!


2. What's the focus for this year's VBS program, God's Great Big Tent?

God’s Great Big Tent is focused on the idea of radical welcome. From the very beginning, God called people into relationship not just with God, but with one another, blessing Abraham to be a blessing to all people. Jesus crossed boundaries again and again to extend welcome to those who weren’t in the “in crowd,” proclaiming God’s love and salvation to everyone. God calls us to extend that same radical welcome to everyone we meet, regardless of individual differences. When we do that, we encounter God in our lives. Extending welcome is something kids are naturally good at. I’m looking forward to helping kids connect that instinct for unconditional relationship to the presence of God in their lives.

3. Which congregations would this VBS work for?

This VBS program is written with smaller congregations in mind, but could easily be scaled up any size, conceptually. It’s meant to be flexible for congregations using different schedules: evening or daytime, two hours or full-day, etc. Its emphasis on community invites congregations to work together in various ways to help kids understand that the Body of Christ extends well beyond the front doors of their individual church buildings.

4. How expandable and/or flexible is the program for any certain church?

The core materials assume a five-day, three-hour program, but allow both for shortening and lengthening the daily period, by allowing for choice in rotations, and providing supplemental materials and ideas for extended days. Congregations can choose traditional grade-level class groups, or mixed-age groups.

5. What do I get with the pre-purchase package now and what can I expect for the final package?

The Clergy Stuff VBS pre-purchase package includes everything you need to start planning and advertising your VBS week now: logos, fonts, sample promotional materials, a planning calendar, and a program overview, which includes the full list of items in the final package. The majority of the materials are digital files you can print as desired, but the package will also include planning videos to help with the crafts and drama rotations, along with videos to be used with the kids during the week, including opening skits, music, and preschool storytelling.


6. Anything else you'd like to add?

The program is simple. There are no additional materials (music CDs, toys, etc.) to buy. Suggestions for decorations, craft projects, and more offer a range of ideas at various costs.

Editors note: Keeping the salt, plain ol’ salt, as it should be. Then we can add it to whatever dish we want, the way we want.