
You'll Never Guess What's Shocking Dan & His Kids So Much!

The Date! The Time! What Are These Things?

by Clergy Stuff's Web & Resource Design Guru Daniel D. Maurer

Dan and his boys just realized something...

The date!

The time!

Soon September 11th will be rolling around. That's not only a day for remembrance for a terrible tragedy in the United States (I bet you remember where you were when 9-11-01 happened, right? *See below.)

It's also the day that the new Program Year for the Narrative Lectionary begins.

Luckily, Dan's boys are a tad sharper than their pop. They showed him how to effectively use a calendar, and—as scary as it may be—it's not as difficult as one might imagine.

The coolest thing about Clergy Stuff is that Dan's boys and Kace Leetch are much more on the ball than he is. 

Click the button below to see your options for the 2016-17 Program Year worship planning resources. Believe me, you'll be happy that you did. We're extraordinarily proud of our resources (giving the Almighty the glory, of course) and we know you're just going to love them. Totes love 'em. (That's middle-schooler speak for 'totally, by the way.)


* By the way, Daniel Maurer was in Medora, North Dakota on September 11th, 2001. He was attending a pastor's yearly retreat with the Western North Dakota Synod of the ELCA. He remembers lying in bed in the hotel room where he and his wife, Carol, were staying. Carol turned on the television after she got out of the shower. It was about 7:45am and the first plane had already hit. At 8:03 Central Standard Time, the second plane hit, and he saw it live on the Today Show. The pastor's conference began a prayer vigil soon after everyone knew the news.