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Clergy Stuff VBS
God’s Great Big Tent™

God’s Great Big Tene™ Clergy Stuff VBS 2021

What’s It All About?

God’s Great Big Tent: Stories of Radical Welcome

In Jesus’ time, people had to be, think, and act a certain way in order to be acceptable in society and to God. Jesus showed us a different way.  His actions told us that it’s exactly the people who don’t fit in the box who are most welcome. And when he welcomed all people and crossed boundaries, that’s when the “reign of God” broke into the world.

Sound kind of familiar? Not much has changed, has it? People still have to be, think, and act a certain way in order to be acceptable in society, and some say, to God. Jesus calls us to a different way. We are called to radical welcome: to reject what society says is acceptable and extend God’s love to everyone no matter what. When we do this, the “reign of God” continues to break into the world.

You’ll dig into five stories about how Jesus crossed boundaries to reach out to the marginalized, drawing them into God’s all-encompassing love.

Click/tap here to view the complete program overview. (PDF)
