Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“But Ruth said, ‘Do not press me to leave you or to turn back from following you! Where you go, I will go; Where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God.’”
NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, August 14, 2022
by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff
Main Idea: Ruth remained loyal to Naomi despite the challenges they faced together.
Likely one of the most familiar quotes from today’s text is Ruth to Naomi, “Your God [will be] my God.” As much as we may want to praise Ruth for choosing God, when we look deeper, she wasn’t choosing God as much as she was choosing Naomi.
Naomi had moved from Bethlehem in Judah to Moab (the two countries were not enemies, but they certainly had a strained relationship over the years; the Moabites were descendants of Lot by incest with his daughters). Even in Moab, Naomi remained faithful to God. But God was not good to Naomi. She lost her husband, and then her two sons, leaving her two daughters-in-law and no grandchildren. Ruth’s husband was one of Naomi’s sons who died despite being loyal to God. So God had done no favors to Naomi or to Ruth.
But when Naomi learned the famine in Bethlehem was over, she decided to return home alone. She did not want her bitter hardships to continue to plague her daughters-in-law. Orpah returned to her family of origin, but Ruth did not. Ruth’s love for Naomi was so fierce, she was willing to give up her lodging, her people and her gods just to be with Naomi. She would even take on the lodging, people, and God of Naomi, even though none had done anything for her.
The two women returned to Bethlehem homeless, widowed, and poor. It would be a hard life for them both. Or so we thought…