Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word. ”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, September 30, 2022
by Daniel D. Maurer Clergy Stuff
Kids naturally make lots of mistakes. As a teenager, I know I had my share of mess-ups. As parents or adults who care for them, our inclination naturally leads us to protect them. We also worry. We don’t want bad things to happen.
To achieve the end of teaching them (or, at least to assuage our tempestuous worries), we guide them to attend worship in a faith community. We bring them to church, and sometimes drag them. Our hope is that the Word of God will at least stick, somewhere.
Churches also try new and different methods to reach youth. They invite praise bands to play more popular music. Youth workers schedule events to be fun distractions from the everyday.
Yet many churches continue to be frustrated with the lack of attendance, not only of youth, but also of their families. What is the answer?
I honestly do not know. Many argue about what to do. What I do know is God remains faithful. We must try our best to pass on that faithfulness to them.
We worry about the future, God. We worry about our youth. Help us keep steadfast in your Word that we might convey your love. Amen.