Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long.”
NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, July 7, 2021
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
I want to know everything! Seriously. If I had all the money in the world, I would just be in school. I would know a dozen languages, be an expert in linguistics, sociology, all the sciences (well, maybe not physics—too much math), psychology, world literature, cultural anthropology, and, of course, theology. I went to seminary not because I wanted to be a pastor or a youth director per se, but because I just wanted to dig deep into my faith, to know everything about God and God’s call.
So, you know, that’s just not possible. I have to be happy with the limited knowledge I do have, and be willing and open to keep learning informally and in a more targeted fashion.
First and foremost, of course, comes my faith. I still want to know more. I want God to make me to know their ways and teach me their paths. More seminary education is probably in my future. But I don’t need another degree to be on this learning journey with God. I need my Bible, my faith community, and an openness to hearing God’s voice through that of others, especially in the larger world, where so many suffer oppression. After all, God is the God of my salvation. For God I wait all day long.
How do I stay open to learning to know God’s ways and paths? Do I want to learn more?