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Proverbs 13:1-25, Wisdom of Solomon

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

A wise child loves discipline,
but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.
— Proverbs 13:1

NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, August 3, 2023

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff

I was never a disciplined child. I’m not talking, here, about the kind of discipline done to another person—I have lots of mixed feelings about that, which I won’t go into here. I’m talking about the kind of discipline parents hope to develop in their children by teaching and modeling certain behavior. You know, like brushing your teeth regularly, which (I am embarrassed to admit) I did not do until I was in my 30s. It took getting into recovery for me to begin to live a highly disciplined life in a number of areas. Before that I was definitely a scoffer. Not because I didn’t believe I should be more disciplined, but because I had no idea how to be more disciplined. So out of fear, I just hunkered down into my bad habits and kept on keeping on.

I am so grateful to have the daily disciplines of my recovery program which spill over into all the areas of my life (I have amazing, healthy teeth, now, by the way).

Where is there room for more discipline in my life?

Earlier Event: August 2
Proverbs 10:1-32, Wisdom of Solomon
Later Event: August 4
Proverbs 18:1-24, Wisdom of Solomon