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Prophets Come in Many Forms

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.
— Isaiah 59:1

NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, September 22, 2022

by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff

The snippet of text you read above from the first verse of the fifty-ninth chapter of Isaiah might have you believing that the verses following have something to do with God’s saving power. However, scripture often goes in surprising directions. Certainly today’s full reading is no exception to that.

Because, wow — it is a depressing read! The prophet Isaiah did not pull any punches when laying out the futility of sin and Israel’s willingness to embrace its own path rather than the one God had guided them down.

Prophets today come in many forms. At best, the naysayers are often ignored. At worst, they are crucified (albeit in hyperbole and hopefully not literally).

Perhaps, back then, the scribe having taken down the words of the prophet Isaiah might have given pause after such an indictment against Israel. And maybe, we too, might look over our own behavior after seeing the wreckage we create instead of blaming an uncaring, distant God.

For God’s hand still is not too short to save, and God can hear our cries just fine.

Direct my life away from sin; show me your ways, O Lord. Amen.

Earlier Event: September 21
Later Event: September 23
What God Has Done