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Matthew 7:15-20, Teachings of Jesus

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.
— Matthew 7:15-16b

NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, February 2, 2023

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff

It’s so easy to judge—to decide who the wolves in sheep’s clothing are. I can point to stories about any number of such “false prophets” who claim to follow Jesus while spewing hate.

Then I look down and see the fleece and I’m well aware that’s not my natural fur covering. In fact, the very act of judging others as false anything is pretty disingenuous.

It’s a good idea for me in most—okay all—moments of decision and action in my life to examine my motives. I have to ask myself, essentially, what is the fruit that this is potentially going to bear? If it’s just about what I can get or get away with in order to feed my own ego, I probably ought to just sit down and keep my mouth shut. If it’s truly about being of love and service to God and neighbor and I benefit, well, hey! Win-win!

Of course, I can’t control outcomes. Like any farmer, I can plant the seed and lavish love and attention on it, but whether or not it bears fruit is dependent on random factors. I can, however, trust God with outcomes. If my motives are sound, and I’m not disguising them with sheepskin, then it’s up to me to take whatever actions are indicated and turn over the rest. Then even when there is good fruit as a result, I can have the humility to know that I did my best, but God did the rest.

When does my own ego get in the way of bearing good fruit?

Earlier Event: February 1
Matthew 6:25-34, Teachings of Jesus
Later Event: February 3
Matthew 7:21-23, Teachings of Jesus