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Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

‘Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.’ (v. 39)
— Luke 8:39

NL Daily Devotion for Sunday, September 4, 2022

by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff

I am a person living in recovery from addiction. For many years, I lived hidden within my secrets. I thought my secrets were like my own special room, where no one could hurt me. Instead, they were a tomb upon which I continually threw more dirt, burying myself.

Today’s story in Luke seems strange. Jesus travelled to a distant land. A man actively living death, separate from others, saw Jesus and recognized him. Jesus banished the powers—and their hold over the man—into unclean animals, pigs. The pigs charged headlong into the lake, drowning them, never to return.

Others seeing what Jesus had done, rose up in terror. If Jesus could do such things, who might else God save? The man, having been saved, begged to travel with Jesus. But Jesus urged courage, to share what God had done.

I dare to share, because others still suffer. Anyone can share what God does, and do so even without words. God saves. Spread the good news!

Encouraging Savior, strengthen me to share my story, that others might know you. Amen.

Prayer concern: The marginalized

Earlier Event: September 3
Limiting God
Later Event: September 5
Spiritual High Points