Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.”
NL Daily Devotion for Saturday, March 27, 2021
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
Jesus is speaking of all the terrible signs of the end: wars and storms and astronomical signs. He reassures his followers that these things are not to be feared, but seen as an indication that Jesus’ reign is imminent. They, in turn, figured Jesus would be back any day now, which didn’t happen. At least not in the way they expected or wanted.
And look where we are now. Where we’ve always been. There is always war happening somewhere in the world. I’ve read statistics that say the United States has been at war somewhere in the world for all but 17 years of its 239-year history. You want storms? Climate change is gripping the world, wreaking untold damage in storms, mudslides, desertification, forest fires, and more. So is Jesus’ return imminent?
I would say not imminent, but immanent. That is indwelling, inherent. Jesus never truly left. He lives in and through us now and his reign is apparent everywhere people work for justice as he did. We live, as so many of this month’s devotions have touched on, in “the already and the not yet.”
The state of the world isn’t pretty. But we don’t give up nor do we live in dread and despair, but in hope of God doing a new thing. And each day, we are called to action to bring the reign of God near.
Immanent God, inspire me to bring the peace and justice of your reign to fruition everywhere I can. Amen.