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Luke 1:39-56, Mary’s Song

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.
— Luke 1:52-53

NL Daily Devotion for Friday, December 27, 2019

by R. Fergus Moir, Clergy Stuff

Mary was a subversive revolutionary. No, seriously. Under the oppressive Roman occupation, words such as these were nothing short of radical. Before even giving birth to Jesus, Mary sings of the world-changing, norm-challenging, liberating reign of God that her unborn son would bring into being.

Mary’s song is a call to action for all of us. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we are drawn into a new way of being in the world. We envision a world in which the powerful are brought down and the lowly lifted up until all can live in harmonious equality. It’s a challenge to see how this is even possible, but we live in faith that with God, all things are possible, and thus can go forth in hope to work toward Mary’s revolutionary vision.

Gracious God, empower me to work for a just and peaceful world. Amen.

Earlier Event: December 26
Matthew 2:1-12, The Magi
Later Event: December 28
Luke 2:21-24, Jesus Circumcised