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John 10:1-18, The Good Shepherd (Ash Wednesday)

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.
— John 10:16

NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, March 2, 2022

by Dr. Kimberly Leetch, Clergy Stuff

Main Idea: We know Jesus’ voice when we listen.

Is Jesus confused? “I am the gate…I am the good shepherd.” So—is he the gate or is he the shepherd? Jesus’ definitive answer is, “Yes!” The question isn’t really: “Who is Jesus?” The question here is: “Is Jesus the one?” Again, the answer is “Yes!”

It really doesn’t matter that Jesus uses a mixed metaphor to describe who he is. What matters is that Jesus is proclaiming loudly that his voice is the one we are invited to follow. We, and others in his other flocks (Samaritans, perhaps? Muslims? Maybe).

In a world (his and ours) where there are so many loud and competing voices, it can be hard to discern Jesus’ voice. But maybe it’s not as hard as we think. I heard a Kids’ Storytime once where the pastor invited several kids to close their eyes, one at a time. When each child’s eyes were closed, he pointed to individuals in the congregation, who then called the child by name. The child was asked to identify which voice was their own parent. Every child correctly identified their own parent 100% of the time. They didn’t need to be taught. They didn’t need to study. They knew their parent’s voice because they lived with their parents day in and day out.

When we live with Jesus day in and day out, we don’t need to be taught which voice is his. We don’t need to study to recognize Jesus’ voice. When we reside with Jesus, we know. Sometimes we doubt ourselves. But when we give ourselves a moment to filter out all the shouting and screaming of the other voices we are inundated with, we know. Jesus’ voice is clear and powerful. “I am.”