Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Whoever says, ‘I am in the light’, while hating a brother or sister, is still in the darkness. ”
NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, September 28, 2022
by Daniel D. Maurer Clergy Stuff
Social media stirs emotions. On one day, I find myself enjoying a silly little cat video from an old connection I hadn’t spoken with since my school days. On another, I burn in anger at a political post someone put up. As a freelance writer, it’s almost mandatory I be connected online—much of my work comes through it.
However, there are times I wish I could turn the whole thing off. Recently, the group Black Lives Matter has become active in our area. I agree with much of what they demand for racial justice. Yet, I also see the havoc wrought on social media, the hateful vitriol people whom I love type on their smartphones. What’s worse, I see the darkness rise in myself, and it disturbs me.
Although social media is a new technology, the human condition is not—people have hated others since the dawn of time. The wisdom of scripture beckons us to remain in the light, to open our closed hearts, to listen and learn, despite what poisonous words we may read on a screen.
God, the world changes quickly, but much is still the same. Guide us to your light, that the darkness may not overcome us. Amen.