Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”
NL Daily Devotion for Tuesday, July 16, 2019
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
When I was young, our family would often travel to our family’s lake cabin in central Minnesota. I loved going there, because I could get out in the boat with my Grandpa to fish.
I loved fishing, and especially spending time with my grandfather.
One aspect of being out on a boat fishing, though, is that you often lose track of where the boat is. Since your attention is drawn to the task of fishing, often I would be surprised to discover that our boat had drifted so far from shore. I’d been thinking about fishing, and not watching where the boat was headed.
Fortunately for me, my grandfather DID pay attention; so we rarely got into any trouble on account of the proximity of our boat to a sand bar or a rocky shoal.
Drifting away spiritually is easy too. Especially when you’re not focused on keeping a relationship with God and others. Today’s devotion isn’t so much a reminder to pay attention, but a reminder that drifting away CAN and often DOES hurt us. The good news is that there is one who guides the boat we’re in and wants us to remain safe.
Remind me, God, lest I drift too far away from you. Amen.
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