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Ephesians 6:1-4, Children and Parents

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
— Ephesians 6:1

NL Daily Devotion for Wednesday, August 4, 2021

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff


When I was in confirmation class back in the ‘80s, my pastor flat out said that obedience to parents was optional. Now, I hadn’t grown up in an oppressive home so I didn’t feel like I’d had obedience to my parents shoved down my throat. But I knew a lot of kids who did and this pastor was straight up revolutionary in what he was saying as far as I was concerned.

The truth of the matter is that parents are flawed human beings just like all of us. They make mistakes. They cause harm. Even the most loving parents with the best of intentions leave an invisible legacy of their imperfection on our souls. Then there are the parents who for whatever reason are indifferent, cruel, abusive, passive-aggressive, or otherwise deeply harmful to their kids. And there are the parents who raise their kids to believe hateful things about the world and other people.

The bottom line is that while it’s important to obey your parents when they set limits to keep you safe and healthy (look both ways before you cross the street, brush your teeth, eat good food, etc.) God calls us to be discerning of God’s truth. Following in the way of Jesus may mean living in a way that is directly oppositional to how your parents want you to live. Obedience to God—a perfect parent who desires your flourishing—is where it’s at.

Was I an obedient kid? Do I expect obedience from my kids? How?