Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“Soon Daniel distinguished himself above all the other presidents and satraps because an excellent spirit was in him, and the king planned to appoint him over the whole kingdom.”
NL Daily Devotion for Monday, August 19, 2024
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
Daniel is back in the king’s circle. Belshazzar kind of forgot about Daniel after Nebuchadnezzar died. Darius, who succeeded Belshazzar, put Daniel right back into the spotlight. Why? Because “an excellent spirit was in him.” We all know these folks, right? The ones who just seem charmed? They’re “with it” in a way we can’t help but respect and admire. They’re usually upbeat, they see solutions, they’re quick to be of service, and it seems like everything they touch turns golden.
It’s easy to hold these people in higher esteem, as if they’re somehow “better” than others in some way. But the fact is, they put their pants on one leg at a time like the rest of us. God sees our hearts and knows our capabilities. God calls us to stretch beyond what we might believe what we think is the limit of those capabilities. God provides us opportunities to use whatever gifts and skills God has given us in order to contribute to the greater good. We would do well to remember that we don’t have to be perceived as a Daniel to be incredibly valuable—indispensable, even!—to God’s creation. In short: you matter!
Do I compare myself to others and think I fall short? How can gratitude remind me that I am important in God’s universe?