Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“But the Lord said to him, ‘Go . . .’ ”
NL Daily Devotion for Friday, September 9, 2022
by Daniel D. Maurer, Clergy Stuff
Ananias questioned God’s orders: “Um, really? This guy Saul . . . he’s been a real jerk. Besides, he can throw me in jail!” On the other hand, God responded with a command and a plan. God let Ananias in on God’s plans that Saul would be the instrument through which all the nations of the world would come to know the love of Jesus.
We rarely have the luxury of knowing the rationale why we must do something, especially if it’s a lackluster job, but still needs doing. In those situations, we still share one aspect in common with Ananias—we do not know, nor can we control, the eventual outcomes from the assigned task.
It may seem little consolation that we simply need to carry out the orders, but embodying faithfulness in times of doubt never feels completely comfortable. The comfort we need to hear is that other servants before us have struggled with these same doubts, but God always provided. God will provide for you, too.
Stir your faithfulness in me to push forward through this day, O God. Amen.
Prayer concern: For those doubting the way forward.