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2 Kings 2:1-12, Elijah Ascends to Heaven

Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today

When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Tell me what I may do for you, before I am taken from you.’ Elisha said, ‘Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit.’
— 2 Kings 2:9

NL Daily Devotion for Monday, November 8, 2021

by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff


Elisha just wants to be like Elijah. But even better. He’s bummed out that God’s going to be taking his mentor away from him at any moment. He knows he has no choice in the matter of Elijah leaving. But what better gift for Elijah to give Elisha than Elijah’s spirit—and not just his spirit, but a double share of it. Elijah will continue to be with Elisha long after the former has been spirited off to heaven in a chariot of fire.

I’ve had some pretty awesome teachers and mentors in my life. Some of them have died, some are still around. I never went and asked them for a double portion of their spirit when I left them, but those truly inspiring folks couldn’t help but give it to me anyway. I don’t know how many times I see and feel the sharp wit of Mrs. Fiore, my high school history teacher, holding me accountable in my interactions. Or how often I re-experience the generosity of spirit of Mr. Cancellaro, my high school Spanish teacher (who inspired me to write more than any other teacher I’ve ever had.) Or when I’m feeling at a loss in my faith life, how often do I think about the amazing modeling and mentoring of Mrs. Philbrick, my Sunday School teacher for years. These, and others, stay with me—I have inherited a portion of their spirit, maybe even a double portion, and so they continue to reach into the world and my life long after they are no longer physically with me.

Who are the people in my life who have inspired me the most? How do I see their influence in my life today?

Earlier Event: November 7
1 Kings 19:1-18, God Speaks to Elijah
Later Event: November 9
2 Kings 2:13-18, Elisha Succeeds Elijah