Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the Israelites have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away.”
NL Daily Devotion for Thursday, November 9, 2023
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
One could call Elijah a whiner. In fact, I, myself, have in the past. But today I want to look at his complaint a little differently. The truth is that he has done everything God has asked him to. He’s followed the rules, carried the message, demonstrated God’s power, and instead of rewarding him by giving him success in his endeavor to turn God’s people around, God has seemingly abandoned him to the consequences of his actions—Jezebel is out for blood. Elijah is a wanted man, his death warrant signed. In Elijah’s shoes, I would be just as upset, if not more so.
Sometimes I look at the world, at the people who are struggling to speak truth to power, working tirelessly to bring change to public policy and entire systems in order to do what I feel is the work Jesus has called us to—advocating for those who are oppressed, poor, suffering, persecuted, imprisoned, and so forth. These people give and give of themselves and yet the pace of positive change is glacial. Many of them suffer retaliatory threats, violence, and other forms of persecution. Where, in all of this, is God? Where is the one who declares that it is our divine call to care for the widow and the orphan, who declares that when we show compassion and love to the suffering, we are doing the same for Jesus?
I know those in the trenches often point to the successes they have achieved. There have been improvements over time. Things are far better in some areas than they were ten, twenty, fifty or more years ago. But some things are worse. And current reactionary thought and actions seem to be trying to undo any of the progress that has been made. It’s enough to make any prophet complain to God.
I have no deep insights about this. Only a word of compassion for Elijah and for all those who keep working for God’s justice in spite of all the obstacles thrown in their way, even to the potential harm to their own lives.
God, strengthen all who fight the good fight, get into good trouble, and carry your words of justice and compassion into the world. Amen.